Thanks for visiting me!
I am very pleased to announce that I am already working on our next West Fine Art Show.
I hope you will mark your calendars and join me on
September 12 - 14, 2025
at Glass House Estate Winery on O Avenue in Langley
On this website you will find all of my major paintings and their stories;
Just hit the “COLLECTIONS” button to get started.
A revolving slide show of my work
Click on the image for a closer view along with the story of the painting
Drive - In Heaven
Remembering Red Robinson
I’m so very sorry to see you go Red!! You were such a wonderful friend and introduced so much energy and fun to my art. It was a joy to know you and Carole and wonderful to call you my friends. It is with sadness that I send my condolences to both Kellie and Sherrie.
Red, you and Carole were both generous and supportive of my work. As we both know, you were an artist at heart and, over many meetings, lunches, and art shows, you “painted” word-paintings for me that served to guide my paint brush.
Thank you so much for your friendship and, for heaven’s sake, keep spinning them Red!